Cb Defense Event 05 Processing degraded performance


As of 7:47 PM ET our processing of backlogged events has completed. All systems are function per normal operation.

Carbon Black Team

tags: statusalert, cbdalerts, cb defense


We are still closely monitoring our systems as we process through backlogged events.

Next Update: 3 hours or upon status change

We thank you for your patience as we identify and resolve the issue.

Carbon Black Team

tags: statusalert, cbdalerts, cb defense


We are closely monitoring our systems as a backlog of items are processed.

Next Update: 3 hours or upon status change

We thank you for your patience as we identify and resolve the issue.

Carbon Black Team

tags: statusalert, cbdalerts, cb defense


We are currently experiencing a degradation in Cb Defense 05 Event Processing. We are working diligently to fix and restore the service back to normal performance.

Next Update: 3 hours or upon status change.

We thank you for your patience.

Carbon Black Team

tags: statusalert, cbdalerts, cb defense


Description: Cb Defense 05 Backend may take longer than normal to process latest events uploaded from an endpoint by Cb Defense 05 Sensor. Events and/or Alerts in Cb Defense 05 Dashboard may populate with a delay.

Security Impact: Detection and Prevention capabilities of Cb Defense 05 may be temporarily weakened, depending on policy settings, until normal operation of Event Processing is restored.

Next Update: 3 hours or upon status change

We are working diligently to restore the service back to normal performance. We thank you for your patience as we identify and resolve the issue.

Carbon Black Team

tags: statusalert, cbdalerts, cb defense

Began at:

Affected components
  • Carbon Black
      • US 5
        • Dashboard
        • Event Processing