DX App Synthetic Monitor SaaS Planned Maintenance on 13 December, 2020 at 08:00 AM UTC

Sunday, 13 December 53 minutes

The scheduled maintenance has been completed.


Scheduled maintenance is currently in progress. We will provide updates as necessary.


Maintenance will begin as scheduled in 60 minutes.


DX App Synthetic Monitor SaaS, a division of Broadcom, is performing maintenance starting on 13 December, 2020 at 08:00 AM UTC, for a duration of 45 minutes.

Impact During the maintenance period the application will not be accessible for 45 minutes. There will be no impact to the monitoring.

Please read the following information carefully, as it outlines new features, enhancements and defect fixed

Major Features: Accessibility support - ASM is now WCAG compliant New Full Page Monitor for testing (On demand only) - Supports latest and modern web pages

Major Enhancements: HTTP / HTTPs monitors - Support for Negative network tests Web driver monitor – Option to configure Quiescence Performance and Stability improvements in Scheduler and Monitor Listing Page

Monitoring Stations and OPMS changes OPMS 10.6 - New version that includes minor enhancements Jmeter agent - Fixed significant customer and internal defects

Limitations: Alerting - Russian and Chinese phone numbers will be blocked All Public tools disabled – Traceroute, Ping, DNS analysis, Check Website


  • Start Time:13 December,2020 at 08:00 AM UTC
  • End Time: 13 December,2020, at 08:45 AM UTC

  • Began at:

    Affected components