SCIM Cloud Service Migration to GCP

Saturday, 12 December 3 hours

The scheduled maintenance has been completed.


Scheduled maintenance is currently in progress. We will provide updates as necessary.


Impacted components updated to include System for Cross-domain Identity Management.


On Saturday, December 12th 2020, the SCIM Service (System for Cross-domain Identity Management) will be unavailable for maintenance beginning December 12, 2020 at 01:00 UTC until 04:00 UTC.

Impact: During this SCIM maintenance window:

• Users and groups synchronized from third party IDPs will not be available for viewing and for user/group based policy edits • New SCIM integration tokens cannot be generated • IDPs will not be able to sync user or group information with WSS

Upon completion of the maintenance window, IDPs will resync outstanding changes with WSS.

Only policy editing is affected. Existing WSS policy will continue to apply to end-user traffic, and policy attributes can continue to be modified for anything other than users and groups.

Customer Action: Complete any planned Third Party User/Group based policy edits and SCIM integration token creation before the maintenance window or defer them until after.

Reporting Problems If you experience issues following this release, contact Technical Support. Support information is located at or on the main Web Security Service Portal page at

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Began at:

Affected components
  • Cloud Secure Web Gateway
    • Point of Presence (POP) - Americas
      • Buenos Aires, Argentina (GARBA)
      • Columbia, South Carolina (GUSCO)
      • Des Moines, Iowa (GUSDM)
      • Las Vegas, Nevada (GUSLV)
      • Los Angeles, California (GUSLA)
      • Mexico City, Mexico (GMXMC)
      • Montreal, Canada (GCAMO)
      • Portland, Oregon (GUSPO)
      • Sao Paulo, Brazil (GBRSP)
      • Washington, DC (GUSAS)
    • Point of Presence (POP) - APAC
      • Auckland, New Zealand (GNZAU)
      • Hong Kong (GCNHK)
      • Mumbai, India (GINMU)
      • Osaka, Japan (GJPOS)
      • Seoul, South Korea (GKRSE)
      • Singapore (GSGRS)
      • Sydney, Australia (GAUSY)
      • Taipei, Taiwan (GTWTA)
      • Tokyo, Japan (GJPTK)
    • Point of Presence (POP) - Europe And The Middle East
      • Abu Dhabi, UAE (GAEAD)
      • Amsterdam, the Netherlands (GNLAM)
      • Bucharest, Romania (GROBU)
      • Copenhagen, Denmark (GDKCP)
      • Dubai, UAE (GAEDX)
      • Dublin, Ireland (GIEDU)
      • Frankfurt, Germany (GDEFR)
      • Helsinki, Finland (GFIHE)
      • London, England (GGBLO)
      • Madrid, Spain (GESTO) ( Previously Madrid, Spain (GESMA))
      • Milan, Italy (GITMI)
      • Oslo, Norway (GNOOS)
      • Paris, France (GFRPA) / Paris, France (GFRVE)
      • Stockholm, Sweden (GSESK)
      • Zurich, Switzerland (GCHZU)
    • Point of Presence (POP) - Africa
      • Johannesburg, South Africa GZASO (Previously Johannesburg GZAJB)
    • Global Services
      • SCIM Service