
As of 10.05 AM UTC, AWS support confirmed that they have resolved the underlying issue. Ops performed validation and confirmed that the Gateways in HKG3 region are functioning at its optimal performance. With this the incident is being placed into resolved status

Start Time: June 18, 2021 07:52 UTC End Time: June 18, 2021 10:05 UTC

Impact: None


AWS has recovered majority of the affected EBS volumes in HKG region. HKG3 VCGs are being brought up. Most of the HKG3 VCGs are up and running. Few VCGs need to be recovered.

Start Time: June 18, 2021 07:52 UTC End Time: N/A

Impact: Customers might face a partial or full impact for traffic that transits via the impacted gateway.


Gateways in HKG3 (AWS) are appearing down. Ops team checked and found that it is due to underlying AWS issue with EBS volumes. Due to this Gateways are showing offline in the VCOs. Customers traffic should have been failed over to secondary Gateways as per the customer setup, leaving no impact to data plane traffic. Customers having secondary NVS configured should not be having any impact in their traffic. AWS support is still working on this issue and further updates will follow.

Start Time: June 18, 2021 07:52 UTC End Time: N/A

Impact: Customers might face a partial or full impact for traffic that transits via the impacted gateway.

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