AppNeta - All Application Nodes - Intermittent Issue with Path Creation and Configuration using Shared Monitoring Points


We have identified the cause of the issue and have implemented a fix. We have monitored the service for stability and this incident shall now be closed.


Broadcom Engineering is investigating an issue affecting all nodes. Creating or editing a path via the Path Setup Wizard may fail with "500 Internal Server Error" for organizations utilizing Shared Monitoring Points.

We encourage users to utilize Monitoring Policies to manage Network Monitoring.

Began at:

Affected components
  • AppNeta
    • AppNeta Application Nodes - North America
      • App-01
      • App-02
      • App-03
      • App-04
      • App-05
      • App-06
      • App-07
      • App-08
      • App-09
      • App-10
      • App-11
      • App-12
      • App-13
      • App-14
      • App-15
      • App-16
      • App-17
      • App-18
      • App-19
      • App-20
      • App-21
      • App-22
    • AppNeta - Global Functionality
      • Delivery Monitoring