23032021 Incident DDOS Attack - Resolved


Since no further problematic events have been observed since 0830 GMT, we are proceeding to close this incident and mark it resolved. However, we will initiate communication again in case we observe further DDoS events on our network.

If you have any questions regarding this incident, please contact Broadcom Support by clicking here.


We continue to notice intermittent drops in incoming traffic impacting 3DS 1.0.2 and EMV3DS transactions. The last occurrences were observed during:

0822 - 0825 GMT 0826 - 0827 GMT 0828 - 0830 GMT

Our network team is actively analyzing incoming traffic patterns and making policy changes. We are closely monitoring transactions and will provide the next update by 1015 GMT.


We have observed following event of further attack since our last update: 0807 - 0808 GMT

Our teams are currently conducting a deep-dive into data collected from these network events. We will keep you posted on further developments. We shall share the next update by 0915 GMT.


We have noticed intermittent drops in incoming traffic impacting 3DS 1.0.2 and EMV3DS transactions. The following instances have been observed: 0722 - 0723 GMT 0732 - 0734 GMT We are closely monitoring transactions and will provide an update soon. If you would like a call with senior management about this situation, please reach out to your Customer Success Manager or contact Support.

Began at:

Affected components
  • Arcot
    • Arcot for Issuers (AfI)
      • Secure2
      • SecureF
      • Secure4
      • Secure7
      • Secure5
      • SecureT