Intermittent drop in incoming traffic


We confirm that there have been no traffic drops observed since 20:45 GMT, and incoming requests are being processed as expected. If you have any questions regarding this Service Advisory, please contact Broadcom Support by clicking here.



We have noticed intermittent drops in incoming traffic impacting EMV3DS and 3DS 1.0.2 transactions. We noticed the following instances:

Following is a list of instances captured: 20:33 - 20:34 GMT 20:37 - 20:38 GMT 20:42 - 20:45 GMT

We will continue to monitor the situation closely and provide an update soon.

Began at:

Affected components
  • Arcot
    • Arcot for Issuers (AfI)
      • Secure2
      • SecureF
      • Secure4
      • Secure7
      • Secure5
      • SecureT