EMEA Data Centers DLP Cloud Detection Service Degraded Performance


We have monitored the service for stability and this incident shall now be closed.


On June 15, 2023 between approximately 08:30 and 13:06 UTC, we are aware that some customers in the EMEA region using the DLP Cloud Detection service through the Cloud SWG service would have experienced degraded performance or slowness while browsing.

We have identified the cause of the issue and implemented a workaround. We will monitor the service for stability and provide updates as more information becomes available.

Please note that all other aspects of our service remained functional.

Began at:

Affected components
  • Cloud Secure Web Gateway
    • Point of Presence (POP) - Europe And The Middle East
      • Amsterdam, the Netherlands (GNLAM)
      • Brussels, Belgium (GBEBR)
      • Bucharest, Romania (GROBU)
      • Copenhagen, Denmark (GDKCP)
      • Dover, England (GGBDO)
      • Dubai, UAE (GAEDX)
      • Dublin, Ireland (GIEDU)
      • Frankfurt, Germany (GDEFR)
      • Helsinki, Finland (GFIHE)
      • London, England (GGBLO)
      • Milan, Italy (GITMI)
      • Oslo, Norway (GNOOS)
      • Paris, France (GFRPA) / Paris, France (GFRVE)
      • Stockholm, Sweden (GSESK)
      • Zurich, Switzerland (GCHZU)
    • Point of Presence (POP) - Africa
      • Johannesburg, South Africa GZASO (Previously Johannesburg GZAJB)
    • Global Services
      • DLP Cloud Detection