VMware Cloud PKS Performance Degradation issue


VMware Engineering team has mitigated the failures observed on VMware CloudPKS. The service is fully operational and this is the final notification for this incident.

Start Time: August 05, 2019 01:13 UTC End Time: August 05, 2019 05:48 UTC
Impact: None


VMware Engineering team have identified the issue and are working towards restoration. Next update will be provided within '4' hours.

Start Time: August 05, 2019 01:13 UTC End Time: N/A

Impact: Customers logging into the console may experience delays or failures which will likely succeed upon multiple re-tries. There will be no impact with create/delete clusters. Existing workloads in existing clusters are not expected to be impacted.


VMware Engineering team continue to investigate the failures or delays observed on the VMware CloudPKS UI. We shall provide further updates within the next '2' hours.

Start Time: August 05, 2019 01:13 UTC End Time: N/A

Impact: Customer logging into the console may experience delays or failures. There will be no impact with create/delete clusters. Existing workloads in existing clusters are not expected to be impacted.


VMware Engineering teams are still in the process of narrowing down the issue. We will provide the next update in an hour.

Start Time: August 05, 2019 01:13 UTC End Time: N/A

Impact: Customer logging into the console may experience delays or failures. There will be no impact with create/delete clusters. Existing workloads in existing clusters are not expected to be impacted.


VMware Engineering teams are currently investigating the issue further. More updates shall be provided as available.

Start Time: August 05, 2019 01:13 UTC End Time: N/A

Impact: Customers may not be able to create/delete new clusters across regions. The UI access may be slow. Existing workloads in existing clusters are not expected to be impacted.


VMware Cloud PKS is experiencing Performance Degradation issues. We are currently investigating the cause and will provide an update as soon as possible.

Start Time: August 05, 2019 01:13 UTC End Time: N/A

Impact: User may experience slow or unresponsive service.

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