We have monitored the service for stability and this incident shall now be closed.
We have identified the cause of the issue and have implemented a fix. We will now monitor the service for stability and provide updates as soon as new information becomes available.
Broadcom Engineering has prepared a patch for this issue and is planning to deploy it on March 25th, at 8pm EDT.
Please see this status page for updates on this emergency maintenance window.
Broadcom Engineering has identified an issue affecting all application nodes which is causing the Network Paths list page to fail to render. To the user, this presents as a blank page when navigating to the Network Path list page.
This issue occurs when Paths have custom tags applied with a category name that matches one of the list page column names. For example, tags with categories such as "Target", or "VPN", or the other table column header names. As this is not very common scenario, most customers will not be impacted by this problem.
We have identified the root cause of this issue and are preparing an emergency patch to address it. We will provide details shortly as to the timing of the patch.