Carbon Black Cloud - Watchlist Alert Data Processing Delays


We have monitored the service for stability and this incident shall now be closed.


The data processing for Tokyo region is now complete and the issue is resolved for all regions.

We wil continue to monitor the service for stability and provide updates as more information becomes available.


The data processing has successfully completed in the US, EU and Sydney regions. Customers should no longer see any issues in these regions.

The data processing for Tokyo region is still in progress as we're seeing some issues with the backfill. We will continue to monitor the the data processing until its complete and will provide an update as more information becomes available.


On June 13, 2024 between 21:33 UTC and June 14, 03:00 AM UTC, Carbon Black Cloud customers may have experienced delays in watchlist alert data processing within the Watchlist Data Forwarder.

As of 03:00 AM UTC, the root cause of the issue was identified and resolved.

The delay in alert processing started as data was being backfilled. The data processing is still in progress at this time. We are monitoring the data processing backlog and will provide an update when more information becomes available.

Began at:

Affected components
  • Carbon Black
      • US
        • Alert Forwarder
      • EU
        • Alert Forwarder
      • SYD
        • Alert Forwarder
      • JAPAN
        • Alert Forwarder
      • US
        • Enterprise EDR Watchlist Processing
      • EU
        • Enterprise EDR Watchlist Processing
      • SYD
        • Enterprise EDR Watchlist Processing
      • JAPAN
        • Enterprise EDR Watchlist Processing