Clarity SaaS Maintenance - SSL Certificate Update: CHG1649115 EMEA

Saturday, 8 July 2 hours

The maintenance is now complete. Thanks for your patience.


The scheduled maintenance is now underway. We'll keep you updated on our progress.


  • Group: Production and Non-Production

  • Summary: The Clarity SaaS team will be performing the following scheduled maintenance to improve the Security and reliability of Clarity SaaS

  • Schedule: The maintenance will be performed during the previously scheduled July monthly maintenance window at the start time listed in this announcement below.

  • Service Availability: The Clarity SaaS application will be available during the maintenance duration.

  • Impacts: No impacts to end users are anticipated. Custom interfaces that have the referenced certificate installed may not function properly after the maintenance is completed until the new certificate is installed.

  • Actions Required: Depending on the URL you utilize to access Clarity SaaS, one of the two following actions is needed:

    • If your URL uses the domain “*”, it is recommended that this information be provided to your security team for their review. If you have any custom integrations that utilize a downloaded copy of the referenced certificate, those integrations will need to be updated with the new certificate after the maintenance is completed. The new certificate can be found here
    • If your URL utilizes any other domain, no actions are required

  • Reference ID: CHG1649115 EMEA

  • Details: The * SSL certificate is currently scheduled to expire on July 26th, 2023. This maintenance will renew the certificate. Notes for this update:

    • No change to Certificate Authority issuing the certificate
    • No change to the root certificate

    If you have any questions, please contact Broadcom Support.

    Thank you,

    Clarity SaaS Team

  • Began at:

    Affected components
    • Clarity SaaS
      • Europe
        • Production-EU1-001
        • Production-EU1-002
        • Production-EU1-003
        • Production-EU1-004
        • Production-EU1-005
        • Non-Production-EU1-001
        • Non-Production-EU1-002
        • Non-Production-EU1-003
        • Non-Production-EU1-004