ConnectALL SaaS Maintenance - Production Customer Migration - CHG2041254

Saturday, 10 August 12 hours

The maintenance is now complete. Thanks for your patience.


The scheduled maintenance is now underway. We'll keep you updated on our progress.


  • Group: Production

  • Summary: The ConnectALL SaaS team will be performing the following scheduled maintenance to improve the Security and reliability of ConnectALL SaaS

  • Schedule: The maintenance will be performed at the start time listed in this announcement below.

  • Service Availability: The production ConnectALL SaaS application will be unavailable during the maintenance duration. Although the duration of this maintenance is scheduled for 12 hours, we anticipate the duration to be shorter. You will be notified upon completion.

  • Impacts:

    • Customers currently utilizing the “” domain to access the service: There are no impacts other than the down time detailed in this announcement.
    • Customers currently utilizing the “” domain to access the service: This maintenance will migrate your production ConnectALL service from AWS to GCP. There are changes to how you access the service and testing required as part of this maintenance. Please see “Actions Required'' below for more details.

  • Actions Required:

    • For clients currently utilizing the “” domain to access the service, there are no actions required.
    • Customers currently utilizing the “” domain to access the service: After the maintenance is completed your production environments will be migrated to the GCP service. Per the June 12th email “ConnectALL SaaS Customer Migration Notice”, please review the published FAQ Document for recommendations on testing and other pre/post migration actions.

  • Reference ID: CHG2041254

  • Details: All remaining customers on the legacy AWS service are being migrated to the GCP based ConnectALL service. The migration requires the downtime detailed in this announcement.

    If you have any questions regarding this maintenance, please contact Broadcom Support.

    Thank you,

    ConnectALL SaaS Team

  • Began at:

    Affected components