The VMware Cloud on AWS team has pushed the fix. The incident is now resolved.
The VMware Cloud on AWS team has successfully tested the fix on Staging. Production push is postponed to 04 October at 05:30 AM UTC. We will keep you posted with updates. Impact: SDDC Provisioning is failing. Note that we do not expect this issue to impact existing SDDCs
The VMware Cloud on AWS team has successfully tested the fix on Staging. Production push is scheduled on 04 October at 01:30 AM UTC. We will keep you posted with updates. Impact: SDDC Provisioning is failing. Note that we do not expect this issue to impact existing SDDCs
The VMware Cloud on AWS team has pushed the fix into the Staging pipeline. ETA for the Production push is 04 Oct, 01:00AM UTC. We will keep you posted with updates. Impact: SDDC Provisioning is failing. Note that we do not expect this issue to impact existing SDDCs
The VMware Cloud on AWS team continues to troubleshoot issues encountered during the fix. We will keep you posted with updates. Impact: SDDC Provisioning is failing. Note that we do not expect this issue to impact existing SDDCs
The VMware Cloud on AWS team continue to troubleshoot issues encountered with the fix and cannot proceed with the production push as scheduled at 06:30 UTC. We will keep you posted with updates. Impact: SDDC Provisioning is failing. Note that we do not expect this issue to impact existing SDDCs
The VMware Cloud on AWS team has pushed the emergency maintenance to 6:30AM UTC to resolve this incident. We will keep you posted with updates. Impact: SDDC Provisioning is failing. Note that we do not expect this issue to impact existing SDDCs
The VMC team has scheduled an emergency maintenance for 2AM UTC to resolve this incident. We will keep you posted with updates. Impact: SDDC Provisioning is failing. Note that we do not expect this issue to impact existing SDDCs.
The VMC team has identified root cause and is preparing a code push to resolve the issue. We will keep you posted with updates. Impact: SDDC Provisioning is failing. Note that we do not expect this issue to impact existing SDDCs.
Please be advised that we are experiencing deployment failure for new SDDCs. Please do not deploy a new SDDC until the issue is resolved. We will keep you posted with updates. Impact: SDDC Provisioning is failing. Note that we do not expect this issue to impact existing SDDCs.