
The VMware SASE team has identified the issue and will be deploying a fix with an estimated time of deployment of the 5th of October.

Start Time: Oct 2 16:53 UTC End Time: ETA 5th October

Current Impact: Some management services may experience degraded performance until fix is applied.


Service impact has been identified. The VMware SASE team is preparing a hot fix with an estimated delivery date of 5th October. In addition, workarounds are being investigated that would alleviate the observed issue.

Start Time: Oct 2 16:53 UTC End Time: To be determined.

Current Impact: Some management services may experience degraded performance.


Service impact has been identified. The VMware SASE team is investigating and working towards best path forward to mitigate impact. Further updates will be provided shortly. Next update will be provided by 2100 UTC.

Start Time: Oct 2 16:53 UTC End Time: To be determined.

Current Impact: Some management services may experience degraded performance.


Service impact has been identified. The VMware SASE team is still investigating and working to mitigate impact, fix has been identified. Further updates will be provided shortly.

Start Time: Oct 2 16:53 UTC End Time: To be determined

Current Impact: Some management services may experiencing degraded performance.


The VMware SASE team has become aware of a potential service event and is gathering more information. Engineering resources have been engaged and an update will be provided shortly.

Start Time: Oct 2 16:53 UTC End Time: To be determined

Current Impact: Some management services may experiencing degraded performance.

Began at:

Affected components