
Services remained stable during the monitoring period and there were no issues reported. This incident is resolved and there will be no further updates

Start Time: November 16, 2023 05:16 UTC End Time: November 16, 2023 06:01 UTC

Current Impact: None


VMware Engineering team has implemented mitigation measures and are seeing improvement and recovery of the service. However, to ensure stability we will monitor the service for the next 4 hours.

Start Time: November 16, 2023 05:16 UTC End Time: November 16, 2023 06:01 UTC

Current Impact: None


VMware Engineering team has identified a potential problem and is working towards applying the fix. More updates shall be provided within 30 minutes or as available.

Start Time: November 16, 2023 05:16 UTC End Time: N/A

Current Impact: User might experience intermittent issue while accessing Skyline Advisor and viewer.


VMware Skyline is investigating a potential service event. Our engineering teams are engaged, and we will provide a progress update in the next 30 minutes.

Start Time: November 16, 2023 05:16 UTC End Time: N/A

Current Impact: Under Assessment.

Began at:

Affected components