Cloud Secure Web Gateway Maintenance (FedRAMP Infrastructure) August 3-9, 2023

6 days, 23 hours, and 59 minutes

The maintenance is now complete. Thanks for your patience.



Please be advised that the time duration for this maintenance has been extended. This maintenance will now complete on 9th August 2023 at 23:59 UTC.


The scheduled maintenance is now underway. We'll keep you updated on our progress.


Broadcom will be performing Cloud Secure Web Gateway Maintenance for FedRAMP Infrastructure on August 3, 2023, at 00:00 UTC and completing on August 8, 2023 at 23:59 UTC. In an effort to better meet both federal and DoD Continuous Monitoring reporting deadlines, and to improve the overall quality of service delivery, Broadcom performs periodic maintenance activities.


During this maintenance event all services will remain operational and available. The service automatically redirects connections to active data pods within the same data center or geographic location. This is for information only, no other customer action is required. This maintenance is also performed to comply with FedRAMP Continuous Monitoring requirements as detailed here.

Reporting Problems

If you experience issues following this maintenance, contact Technical Support. Support information is located here or on the main Web Security Service Portal page.

Began at:

Affected components