Hosted Reporting SCP Key Change

Wednesday, 31 January 1 hour

The maintenance is now complete. Thanks for your patience.


The scheduled maintenance is now underway. We'll keep you updated on our progress.


Symantec is making an update that will affect all Hosted Reporting customers. As part of a continuous program to improve the security posture of the Symantec products and services, several outdated TLS ciphers are being removed from the secure upload service.

This change will begin on January 31, 2024.

Impact / Required Action

This change requires that the Server Certificate associated with the service must be rotated and all customers must trust a new Server Certificate on their Edge SWG (formerly ProxySG) devices or scripts. The process is manual but can be completed at any time in advance of the certificate rotation with no outages or restarts needed. If the new certificate is not trusted at the point the certificate is rotated, uploads to the hosted reporting service will fail until the new certificate is trusted.

Note that you only need to configure this for the IP address of the regional upload host you are using. The list of hosts/ip addresses can be found here.

For detailed instructions on how to perform the steps via Edge SWG or Management Center, follow this article.


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