This Cloud SWG maintenance window has been cancelled. Note that there will be no changes to the IP addresses used by the Cloud SWG endpoint ctc.threatpulse.com. Customers are requested to undo any changes previously requested.
As part of a scheduled migration, the IP addresses used by the Cloud SWG endpoint ctc.threatpulse.com will be changed. The new IP addresses will take effect on October 18, 2024 starting at 21:00 UTC. This maintenance will last for up to 24 hours.
Note: The old IP addresses will remain functional for one week, but they will be removed from DNS responses at the conclusion of the maintenance to allow for any long-term DNS caching or CTC hard coding. After one week, the old CTC servers will be shut down.
Required Action
During the maintenance no customer impact is anticipated.
Throughout the maintenance:
At the conclusion of the maintenance, the Cloud SWG CTC component will be hosted on new IP addresses. Firewall rules may need to be updated as described in the Required Action section above.
Questions? Contact technical support by visiting: https://support.broadcom.com/security
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